Our Certifications

Certifications and test of knowledge and skill is often put in the cold hands of technology. Impartial. Non corruptable. Not hackerable. Sometimes also friendly and inviting.
And equal for everybody. The certification or the university test of skills can be measured via quiz, problem solving, projects, situations, model-play, environmental stories.
For some way can be similar to the OnLine Challenge. The main big difference is related to the final results which can be a credit in University; a diploma to test that specific program has been passed instead of a prize or a medal.

who can be interested to our Certifications

For Insitutions

Institutions can formally use standard protocols to guarantee anonymous results to the final evaluation.


It is a fantastic opportunity for the students to face realistic environment where they can test the theory that they have learned during the residential programs.


It is specifically used to certify that their employees attended to compulsory programs where they need to prove the knowledge of factor like security, fitness, emergency procedures and more.

and more...

The extreme variety of services and our privacy does not allow us to be trasparent apart from public events. But we can quote our services upon specific requests .
Please use the contact us page to get in touch directly.
The list of solutions is available in the main menu

Which are our Advantages

Some of the solution can be a save costing tool to help companies to certify remotely their employees. But real virtuality has the extraordinary benefit to put the attendant in a realistic situation where a series of problems must be solved using the knowledge and skills necessary to be certified.


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