Business Area:

- General Management
- Finance
- Operation
- Marketing
- Project Management
- Sales
- Retail

Joint venture & license:


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 Virtual Area Manager


The simulation
Healty & Co. Is a multinational company selling medical devices for final consumers. The company has a network of branches which can be direct or held by agents. The team represents the area manager + 4 branch managers managing the 10 different zones included in the area.

The team has three specific goals to achieve:

  • Increase market penetration
  • Increase the total revenues
  • Improve margins in the long run.

The area manager is entitled to decide how to divide the 10 zones between the branches; he/she also decide the budget to allocate to every branch and confirm or reject the human resources that the branch managers ask to hire.


Area and branch managers.

From 4 to 16 hours

Italian; English


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